Hello {PROSPECT NAME}, I just wanted to let you know {Book Name Link} that contains your tip has been published and is available on amazon.com Thanks again for your time. You have some really valuable information. Your Name Your Phone P.S. By the way. If you are interested in getting broader exposure and would like to position yourself as the local "expert / business celebrity" for your industry, let me know. That's what I do. I have a unique campaign that quickly allows you to be positioned as the local expert by conducting a more in depth interview that I will include as a chapter in my upcoming expert interviews book. You would be fully credited as a Co-Author. I will also be running a publicity campaign that will guarantee the book to hit at least one of Amazon’s best seller lists. Making you an Amazon.com Best Selling Author. I normally charge 2500 for this but I have a two openings in my upcoming book and would be happy to give you a reduced rate since you participated in the Tips book. Let me know soon if you are interested so I can get you on the schedule. I think you are perfect to be positioned as the local xxxx expert. Thanks again Your Name Your phone